Thursday, December 18, 2008

And the winner is...

Wow, what a day we had! Well if nothing else you all have to admit that AP English is at least memorable. Before I announce the winner I want to say how impressed I am with all of you. I know the debate raises tensions and is just slightly uncomfortable but I think getting out of your comfort zone is necessary some times.
Recap of arguments:
The Ban side presented a well organized claim with some strong points. The highlights for this side were--easily influenced teens with both scientific backing and anecdotal, the uncomfortable nature of vulgar terms, Huck's seemingly lack of maturity in the end with Tom. The response to questions for this team was less prepared than the actual argument. The problem of reading this book without teacher guidance was never refuted and the comparison between video games and literature was proven to be tenuous at best. Some well answered questions were the fact that Huck does immoral things on his own and that in the end Huck seems to reject only parts of society not necessarily slavery as a whole.
The Keep side seemed a little less structured but still got in some good points. Their highlights included the natural evolution and history behind the infamous word, the impossibility of running from or changing history. One of the most effective points was that we can't avoid things simply because they are uncomfortable or we will never learn from them. The direct anti racist quotes from Twain were also quite convincing. This side also responded fairly well to the questions raised although there were few they had to field.
As I stated before this began, the debates are usually lost or won in the question round and that is how this one turned out. The unanimous decision by judges was that the Keep team was the winner by a hair.

Nice job everyone and I hope you are all still friends :o)

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