Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gatsby Work Day

Today was a work day for the group presentations up in the library. I'm sorry for all the confusion with the groups but I didn't know there would be that many people switching class hours. I think I have everything worked out now but if you know that you'll be switching again please let me know right away. For the presentations make sure that you have some type of focused claim that you want to explain to the class.
Good luck on your finals since I won't see you tomorrow and please bring The Awakening books on Friday so I can take them off your hands.
Upcoming: Gatsby presentations next Thursday

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gatsby Close Read

We did a close read of the passage where Gatsby shows off his shirts to Daisy using the different theories. This was just a sample but I want you to see how important it is to look at the details used by an author. We also got our groups ready for your final project for this novel. If you will be switching classes hours at all please let me know right away as it will confuse the groups.
Upcoming: Awakening Paper this week

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gatsby Discussion

Today we had the Gatsby discussion and I thought it went really well. I will give some of my commentary tomorrow but I'll also post my notes here since I know I'll never get to say everything that I want to.
On a side note did anyone figure out the connection between Gatsby and Aladdin?
Upcoming: Awakening papers are due this week come see me if you need help. Homeroom would probably be best since there are meetings after school.

Gatsby Notes

Nick as narrator—how reliable is he? Nick as narrator—how reliable is he? He makes a big deal out of saying how honest and nonjudgmental he is but I think the narrator doth protest too much. He definitely makes judgments about Tom, Daisy, and Jordan. Speaking of Jordan why is she such a liar? Not to mention did anyone catch the Nick is a bit of a player?? (p. 59)
• p. 1
• p. 60

Description of Tom—very masculine, physical, cruel
• p. 7
• violence parallel (knuckle p. 12 Myrtle p. 37)
• racist

Jordan--very masculine as well but then George Wilson is very feminine--what's going on here?

Daisy's bizarre mothering skills. Why turn your head away and weep at the sight of a girl?
Baby girl p. 17 “beautiful little fool”

Description of Jordan—masculine p. 11

Don't be like the elitist and neglect the Valley of Ashes. There is a lot going on here some hints—desolate, biblical, industrial, lower class p. 24
Eyes of T.J. Eckelburg—very clearly God but what does that mean? What is God doing?

George and Myrtle interaction p. 25
• cramped apartment compared to airy house
• Myrtle’s shift in attitude (buys things, bossy, pride)

Jordan’s attitude—liar, careless p. 59

Watch for parallel scenes. Fitzy is a genius when it comes to this. We already talked about Tom's violence with both Daisy and Myrtle but there are others. Look at the different settings we have between ch. 1 and 2 along with Myrtle's treatment of Tom.

Gatsby’s bio
• Lies p. 65-66
• Connection to Daisy p. 99

Corruption of time—clock p. 87

Daisy/Myrtle parallel—power over husband p. 116

Fairly Tale—“voice full of money” “king’s daughter” p. 120

Son of God p. 99

George and Tom’s contrasting reactions to affairs p. 124

• Rain during first meeting
• Hot temp. during confrontation

Is Myrtle the first time Tom’s cheated on Daisy?? Check out their honeymoon and the birth of their daughter.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Peer Editing Day

Well I was glad to see that almost everyone had much stronger drafts done this time around. Again, a rough draft should mean a completed copy there were a few skinny papers. As you work on revising your final draft keep a few things in mind. These are the main things I see in regards to people getting a much lower grade than necessary.
1. Make sure you properly format your paper
2. Make sure you fix any writing style issues it should be 100% free of errors and read smoothly
3. QUOTE support you should have multiple specific examples and quotes from the text to support your claim
4. Have a strong claim that you are always proving
5. Avoid plot summary

It's too cold to do much else this weekend so curl up with a blanket and The Great Gatsby. You should have the book finished by Monday and we'll have our discussion then.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Poetry Timed Write

In-class poetry essays today based on the poems we discussed yesterday. I've only corrected a few essays so far but remember the difference in the different types of essays. Today's was analysis one which means you have to talk about HOW the author gets their point across. In order to discuss the how you have to look at devices and the particular style of the author.
Tomorrow The Awakening is due so I'm guessing there will be some tired people tomorrow. Oh how I wish there was a magic pill to combat procrastination. Happy Writing everyone!
Upcoming: Gatsby due Monday

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Poetry Discussions

Today we had the split small group discussions. I know it's a little intimidating to be in front of the class but I think the discussions went well. Remember when you are doing the AP essays make sure you always look back at the question you are supposed to be answering. Tomorrow will be the timed write for one of the poems you did not personally discuss so hopefully you took good notes. You also should be pretty close to finished with your Awakening paper so I hope you are not still just working from an outline at this point.
Upcoming: Paper due Friday and finish Gatsby for Monday

Friday, January 14, 2011

Vocab Test

Took the second poetry vocab test today and for the most part scores are good. Make sure you study a little each night because we have quite a few words now. After the vocab test we did small group discussion on Aladdin. I hope the theory practice helped everyone really understand how to do it and why it's useful. You should start analyzing some other movies this weekend just for fun!
Remember to continue working on your Awakening papers. Please be careful about just repeating claims that I talked about in class during my commentary.
Upcoming: Gatsby 1-4 due Tuesday

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Aladdin Part Two

Okay, today we finished up the movie and even had a few minutes to discuss some of the things you noticed. Tomorrow after the vocab test we should have time to have a real discussion on the book. I'll attach some of my notes from the movie as well so you have some idea of how they tie in with the theories.
Upcoming: Vocab test tomorrow--you should be going over your flashcards right now!
Awakening paper due next Friday and Gatsby 1-4 for Tuesday

Aladdin Notes

Al assumes Jasmine is helpless (jumping over roofs)
Jasmine uses sexuality to distract Jafar
Jasmine needs a husband to take care of her
Frees the doves from the cage
“Speechless an excellent quality in a wife”
Gay stereotypes—hairdresser, “picking out curtains”
“I am not a prize to be won!”
Tiger associated with weak female
“Allah forbid you should have any daughters”

Laws—cut off hand for stealing
American accents
Jafar—British accent

Al feels inadequate
Jasmine is “trapped”
Color changes with characters—dark=bad, light=good
Apple, snake=biblical
Aladdin no self-esteem—be yourself

Market place song—gotta steal to eat gotta eat to live
“Born a street rat always be a street rat”
Jasmine doesn’t even know what money is
Jasmine must marry a prince
Sultan is an idiot
Aladdin’s personality changes when he becomes a prince goes from selfless to selfish

Al the hero—orphan, something special “diamond in the rough”
Colors—good light/bad dark

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Yikes, sorry everyone. It's been the last two weeks as I've clearly been a little neglectful on the posting. Today we started some analyzing fun with Aladdin. Now I know the movie is pretty engaging but please make sure you are taking some notes on it as well so you can fill out your theory chart. We will finish up the movie tomorrow and then Friday I will collect your charts and hopefully we'll have time to discuss it after the vocab test.
Make sure you pay attention to the details--clothing, setting, animal characters, accents even??
Upcoming: Vocab test Friday
Awakening Paper 1/21
Gatsby 1-4 1/18

Please come and see me if you are having trouble with your Awakening paper. Save yourself some frustration and don't wait until the last minute.

Hi double Sophies!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Welcome Back

Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope you all had a nice break and are ready to dig right back in.
Today we went over the poetry essays that you wrote. As with all essays make sure that you answer all parts of the prompt. Poetry doesn't have to be that scary just talk about what you do know and avoid what you don't. You should be aiming for three pages for full development.
We then went over the final paper for The Awakening and talked briefly about the ending. I will talk more about my interpretations on Wednesday after your discussion.
Upcoming: Awakening outline two copies due this Friday
Vocab test next Friday

Hi Rachel