Monday, May 9, 2011

Work Day

Today was just another work/reading day. However, reading time isn't very helpful when only a handful of you bring your books to class. Tomorrow I will talk a little about the Language test at the start of class and then you'll have work time for the rest of the period so make sure you BRING YOUR BOOK.
My gift to you today is that I'm taking the individual paper off your group assignment sheet. I think you'll be too rushed to do an adequate job so luck you! However in place of it I will test you on the presentations but I'll allow you to use notes. This will make sure that everyone gives the group appropriate attention.

Question: Why did Sophie have weird things drawn all over her arm? Does she not own some paper?

Curly Sophie I missed you didn't see you once today--weird.

Megan, I don't think you read this, but if you do don't forget to go to Borders today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha borders is no longer a store!