Monday, February 14, 2011


I really hope everyone finished the Fear section so we got the full impact for the discussion. The discussions today went fairly well, but we need to push a little more on some key issues. We will get new vocab tomorrow and then I'll answer any questions you have about the Fear section go over some points.
Here are some things to think about from Fear and things to keep in mind for Flight.
Native Son: Fear Notes
Contrast Bigger’s home p. 1 to Dalton’s home
Treatment of Bigger from his mother—manhood, “why I birthed you”
Living behind a wall p. 9 Bigger is obviously angry does he have any other way to show emotions
Activities of Bigger’s friends—rob blacks, “play white” 18,
Flight imagery—plane 17, pigeon 22
Bigger’s behavior when in presence of whites—54
Irony of Dalton being member of NAACP
Why such graphic violence? Need to be strong to get a reaction
Purpose of media— Portrayal of Communists, whites, blacks
Is it okay for black authors/characters to use the N-word?
Structure—start and end with violence
Use of color and blindness
Nature vs. Nurture—what made Bigger?
Both Mary and Bigger have limited contact with other side—Bigger hand shake, Mary traveled world—zoo type scenario
Timeline: Fear takes place in less than 24 hours
Key Passages:
Mary 23, Bigger 20
Contrast Bigger’s home p. 1 to Dalton’s home
Treatment of Bigger from his mother—manhood, “why I birthed you”
Living behind a wall p. 9
Activities of Bigger’s friends—rob blacks, “play white” 18,
Flight imagery—plane 17, pigeon 22
Bigger’s behavior when in presence of whites—54
What is the “fear” that is so prominent in this chapter? What does he mean when he says “living behind a wall” (9).
Both Jan and Mary attempt to befriend Bigger, yet it only seems to make Bigger more angry. What is Wright trying to say with this?

Upcoming: Speech analysis due Friday and don't forget your registration forms.

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