Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Sorry I forgot to post yesterday but all we did in class was a timed essay. I'm hoping to have them back to you by Friday so we can talk about them after the test but no promises.
Today per. 4/5 had the speech discussions. Overall, I think they went fairly well. It seems like most people prefer the smaller groups; it's just harder to hear what everyone says so I have to go with a rough estimate.
Tomorrow per. 9 will have their discussion while per. 4/5 registers. Updated note: DO NOT go to the computer lab. The online thing isn't working so they are coming to the classroom. For the two people that actually read this please spread the word. You also should bring something to work on since there is down time while you wait your turn.

Upcoming: Flight for 3/11 Vocab for this Friday--vocab and sentence types
Extra Credit due 3/16 For more info:

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