Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I want a wife (or a husband)

Today we looked at some amusing sarcasm and a creatively structured argument all wrapped in one and then you all had a chance to give it a try. There were definitely some interesting ideas tossed around as I was listening in to the various groups so I can't wait to hear the final results on Friday. Tomorrow remember I will be gone (sad I know try to contain your tears) and you will have a work day for your multiple-choice section.
We will begin the presentations on Monday with probably one each day. The main thing I'm looking for is that your group is able to relatively clearly explain what the right answer is and why. You should also know definitions for any unfamiliar terms.
Finally, I want to know when you would like to have your next vocab test. Your options are: next Friday which would be the standard two weeks or would you like it some time the last week of the semester knowing that you will also have a timed MC that week (most likely Thursday).
I will go with majority rules based on the comments I get.
Upcoming: Still nothing, what's wrong with me!?


Anonymous said...

I am voting for the last week of the quarter.

Anonymous said...

I would like to vote to have the test sometime on the last week of this quarter.