Monday, March 28, 2011

Welcome Back

So glad to have everyone back and I hope you all had a restful spring break. Today we reviewed sentence types so make sure you do the rest on your own and I'll go over the answers Wednesday or Thursday. You got a synthesis essay to do on your own for Thursday. Again, I would suggest timing yourself. Use 15 mins. to read the sources and then 40 mins. to write the essay.
We ended the hour analyzing a short movie clip from The Bear and working on how to use visuals.
Eric I put the sentence type notes on the website so click the blog title and it's on the bottom of the page.
Upcoming: Vocab Test Firday

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Timed Write

I should probably be correcting right now but instead I'm following the example from some of you and procrastinating. Today we did a timed write with an argument prompt. The good news for all of you is that I'm not putting this one in the grade book. We will work with scoring them tomorrow and just count it as a practice.
Please make sure you are getting caught up on the reading for Cuckoo's Nest.
We will have another discussion/group day on Friday and the presentation of part 1 on Thursday.
After the presentation I'll post some of my notes from the first section.
Upcoming: Movie review due Thursday

Friday, March 11, 2011

MC Practice

Today we did a multiple-choice practice in teams with a poetry sample and then had some reading time. Please make sure you finish the reading by Monday. It is confusing at first but I promise it gets easier after about 50 pages. Also if you are confused or have questions make sure you ask me.
Upcoming: Part one for Monday and Movie Review due Thursday.

Also I would really suggest checking out Use one of your old papers just to see how helpful it is for future purposes.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Native Son

We finished the movie up today and it wasn't the best feat of movie excellence but it gives you plenty to write about for your review. After the movie I gave out the next set of vocab words and we'll watch video tomorrow.
Upcoming: Poetry analysis due Friday and make sure you are reading Cuckoo's Nest.

Craig I did some research and the term cuckoo as in crazy comes from the weird call cuckoo birds make over and over for no purpose and the fact that they lay their eggs in other birds' nests. Interestingly enough it is also where the term cuckold comes from.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Vocab Test 7

Today we took the vocab test and then we got our exciting new novel. We will be reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and doing some group presentations with it. You will also have questions do for each of the four parts of the novel. The first section is the longest but I'm considering giving you reading time on Friday.
The last part of the hour was spent working on analyzing "The Century Quilt" using the poetry guide sheet. I will collect the sheet tomorrow.
Upcoming: Poetry analysis due this Friday
Read part one of the novel with questions for Monday

Friday, March 4, 2011

Native Son Movie

We spent the hour watching the Fear section of movie. Make sure you are taking some notes so you have specific things to comment on for your movie review. Since I didn't get a chance to talk about Fate I'll paste my notes in below. Yesterday you got your MC scores back and if you'd like to see the answers or go over any of them come see me for the answer key before or after school or during advisory.
Upcoming: Vocab test Monday and poetry due Friday.
Enjoy the weekend!

Fate Notes
Social Satire—exaggerate the negative to show the consequences (Modest Proposal)
Contrast to first half where everything is white (snow, people, cat, etc.) everything is black around him in jail “black floor” “black bars”
Bigger tortured—dragged away, fingernails torn off, swollen tongue p. 320
Newspaper portrayal p. 322
Portrayal of Jan is he realistic?—very sympathetic, understanding, forgiving p. 332
Inequality in the Black Belt p. 377—housing shortage, pay more, only educate for trade jobs
Use of Bessie’s body as evidence p. 382
Crazy jail mate—writing a book about how coloreds live, drove him crazy p. 397-98
Buckley’s irony—“A man commits two of the most horrible murders in the history of American civilization” p. 434
Reasons to incite the public p. 449
Jail actually better than home life p. 471
Title—what does native son mean?
Religion—what is Wright’s opinion on religion, what is it used for?
Wright’s purpose and connection with communism

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trumbo and Native Start

We started the hour going over the Trumbo essays that you wrote last week. I had some notes on common mistakes and some basic tips so if you were gone you should get some notes from someone.
After the essays we went over the final assignment for Native Son which is a movie review. We also started the movie but only got about twenty minutes into it.

Upcoming: Journals due Friday and vocab test Monday

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2001 MC

Today was the timed multiple-choice test for March. It was the 2001 Language test and I've had some really high scores from the ones that have already been corrected. For this test you want to be scoring close to thirty. If you are well below that take one of my sample books to practice with or click here to take the practice ones online and find out what areas you are struggling with.
Upcoming: Finish Native Son for Thursday and the journals are due Friday. You should have 18 total if you include the three for the discussions.

I moved the vocab test till Monday to give people a little more time to study.